The Holy Family | idegaver
The Holy Family
The Holy Family The Holy Family The Holy Family The Holy Family The Holy Family The Holy Family

The Holy Family

660 kr

Willow Tree. The Holy Family. 

Højde: cm, bredde: cm & dybde: cm.

Maria, Joseph og det lille Jesus barn. Selvfølgelig en oplagt gaveide til jul, men så smuk og betydningsfuld en figur, at den fortjener at stå fremme hele året. 

Figurerne bliver alle leveret i original Willow Tree gaveæske, i gaveæske medfølge en kort beskrivelse af figuren.

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In response to requests for a small-scale nativity, Susan created this intimate rendering, measuring 7.5" tall. This one-piece sculpture, painted with richly layered colors, is ideal for those with limited display space, or who wish to display a nativity year-round. The expressive gestures of Mary and Joseph reveal their humanity, and portray their overwhelming emotion of love and protection for their newborn child. Mary is turned in toward Joseph, sheltered by his right arm. Joseph’s staff and cloak form a protective shield around his new family. Joseph’s left hand, positioned above the head of baby Jesus, shadows the curve of Mary’s wrist. This is a historically symbolic gesture of blessing and protection. “This is a story from the past… but the overwhelming emotions of holding a new baby, starting a new family, and wanting to protect them forevermore are present today in every culture and every age. My hope is that the gestures of Mary and Joseph will represent these powerful feelings of love and protection.” –Susan Lordi

Willow Tree® er en intim serie af figurative skulpturer, der taler til, på stille måder at helbrede, trøste, beskytte og inspirere. Kunstneren Susan Lordi håndskærer originalen af hver figur fra hendes studie i Kansas City Missouri. Figurerne er efterfølgende støbt fra hendes originale udskæringer og individuelt malet i hånden. Udtryk afsløres kun ved bevægelser ... en hældning af hovedet, placering af hænderne, en drejning af kroppen. Enkelheden i form og fravær af ansigtstræk betegner Willow Tree. Det er Susans håb, at disse figurer er meningsfulde for både giver og modtager.

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